Before And After Diet - These People Are Preferred More 10 Kilos

hello every body.  there are steps you must take before starting a diet, but also during and after. The implementation of these actions will help you reach your goal much easier.

1) Before the diet:
  • Tell others that you are trying to lose weight, you can possibly help you find a buddy system easier   
  • Schedule the plan: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,   
  • Ask yourself if you are really ready to go on a diet,    
    Prepare a list of rewards (not based on food), you can pay whenever you reach a mini-goal.   
  • Keep a food diary every day to record everything you eat (solid and liquid) 
  • Set a goal of weight loss realistic, then make a list of reasons why you should be sought
  • Hunting of unhealthy foods in your kitchen,

2) While the diet

  • Do not forget to play sports or other physical activities,
  • Understanding of the personality of weight loss: impulsive, stubborn, happy, anxious, sloppy...
  • Commit to not lose sight of the goal of initial weight loss, to stay focused and motivated,
  • Do not skip breakfast or any meal.
  • Do not starve (not eating is not a sustainable solution for weight loss)
  • Do not yield to the temptation of food
  • Do not beat yourself up if you back up a notch,

3) After the diet

  • Eat more, but not too much,
    Analyze your calorie intake to control weight gain after the diet   
  • Increase your training volume to compensate for the extra food you eat again
  • Plan your meals and be careful when you eat
  • Keep records of food to measure progress,


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